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We do not need to seek difference and contrast in ourselves as we are all human, we need to put our differences aside and accept each other.

We are not the center of the earth, but the earth itself is centered, and we are mere passengers. My drive is to create a contrast between the viewer and my sculptures. This contrast is to make the viewer aware of their surroundings and life around them. We do not need to seek difference and contrast in ourselves as we are all human, we need to put our differences aside and accept each other.

My work is made to transcend perception of daily objects and how they are interpreted and identified as. I focus mainly on the usage of ordinary existing materials and objects as they have a humane touch to it and are earthbound. I then remove these objects from their original context by introducing them into becoming a new being which I refer to as Abjects. These Abjects are hard to comprehend and understand as they convey an organic, deformed relationship between representation and abstraction.
